If you are registered for a course with the ToDo Institute please login in the upper right corner of this page so that you can be directed to your course.
If you have any problems, please contact us at
Thank you.
If you are registered for a course with the ToDo Institute please login in the upper right corner of this page so that you can be directed to your course.
If you have any problems, please contact us at
Thank you.
You don't need to be an alumnus of this particular program
to benefit from this one-time special offer.As long as you've taken one of our programs in the past, you qualify.
Sept. 14 - Oct. 14, 2017
For just $41.50, you'll be part of a 30 day program to study and practice a skill-based approach to mental wellness. You'll receive a copy of Gregg Krech's book, "A Natural Approach to Mental Wellness” (print or e-book), online resources, an experiential exercise every day, and an engaging online discussion with Gregg and participants from around the world.
This program is incredibly empowering.It is skill-based, providing clear guidance for coping with the internal and external challenges that we all encounter, while develop qualities that we can be proud of in the process.
REGISTER HERE to get our 50% alumni rate (whether you're
an alumnus or not)!
Thank you!
Many of us read books about how to live well.We want to be happy, have good relationships and make a difference in the world.But there can be a real disconnect between the ideas in those books and our ability to incorporate them into our lives.
A Natural Approach to Mental Wellness, which begins on Sept. 16, 2015, is a distance learning program that offers empowering concepts while translating them into experiential opportunities.In fact, you will be developing the following mental wellness skills throughout the month:
Please join us for this engaging and empowering month.Program includes the book, A Natural Approach to Mental Wellness, by Gregg Krech, online resources and a global discussion.
Please let us know if you have any questions - todo@todoinstitute.org / (802) 453-4440.
(Please disregard if you are already registered for this program.)
Gregg Krech has been studying and teaching Japanese Psychology for the past 25 years.He is the author of several books and his work has been featured in popular publications like Tricycle, Utne Reader, Counseling Today and Experience Life.He will provide resources and personal guidance through the online discussion.
With warmest regards,
Linda Anderson Krech
ToDo Institute
(Edited by Gregg Krech - original submission Friday, 11 September 2015, 10:31 AM)
The Taking Action program is different than any of our other programs.
YOU set the curriculum for this program, based on the project that you want to take on, and WE provide the structure, support, inspiration, guidance and camaraderie. We can be a great team and, at the end of the month, you'll have something to be proud of.
Gregg Krech will be conducting the program. You will receive a free copy of Gregg's newest book, The Art of Taking Action: Lessons from Japanese Psychology (either digital or print) with the program.
(Please disregard this message if you are already registered.)
Taking Action
Finishing the Unfinished (and Unstarted)
May 27 - June 26, 2015
What would you want to take on, if you could mobilize some energy and clear some space in your life? Maybe there's a creative project that's been lurking for years in the corner of your mind. Or maybe you'd like to address a need that has been neglected for ages -- using a paintbrush, computer, hammer, calculator, garden gloves, file folders, travel itinerary, trash bags or photos.
Don't have the energy to add anything new to your life? That may be true, only you can decide, but remember that sometimes you can generate energy and even excitement by finally taking on that project you've been thinking about for so long.
Don't have the time?If you can commit to 30 minutes a day for one
month, you will have something to show for your time that will make you feel
proud and will contribute to your legacy.Maybe for the month you can minimize your Facebook or TV time.Maybe you can get up a half hour earlier or
stay off the internet. Think it through . . .
Whether you're exhilarated by the prospect of writing a musical composition or unnerved by finally tackling overdue taxes, we can help you to finally make progress
ToDo members -- $78
Non-members -- $93
(Alumni get a 50% discount.)
Thanks. Hope to see you online!
(Edited by Gregg Krech - original submission Thursday, 14 May 2015, 12:08 PM)
This is Section I of the Certification process in Japanese Psychology. It is a companion program for participants who plan to attend the six day residential program at the ToDo Institute.
What should I eat, when should I eat, how much should I eat? These questions form a life koan for many of us. Join us in this experiential program as we explore this koan together.
Editorial Team Hub for Content and Discussion
Working with Your Attention - Fall, 2023
A one month practice course that goes beyond mindfulness and helps us develop a comprehensive set of skills in using our attention.
A course to help you find your purpose and live more purposely each day of your life.
A course to help you find your purpose and live more purposely each day of your life.
2024 A Natural Approach to Mental Wellness taught by Gregg Krech
Naikan: The Japanese Art of Self-Reflection. A one month practice course on gratitude and grace for 2023.
A distance learning course on the theme Renewing Your Relationship
For testing stuff.
ToDo Institute Board of Directors General Session